Radical Guide DNA Activation™ is a new energetic modality that focuses on your Spiritual and Cosmic strands of DNA. This DNA considered our “junk DNA”, or rather non-functional DNA, is a living data storage containing the instruction set for our greater human potential. Activating the DNA will allow you to connect to your soul and shift your consciousness in this life.
I believe in certain moments, the Universe brings about certain *soul openings*, divine intervention so to speak, where Source provides unexplainable insight to your soul existence. The Universe gave me that gift through Corinne’s obedience in activating this profound knowledge and insight through her course. I have been profoundly changed by the Radical Guide DNA Activation™, shedding much needed religious beliefs and outdated values. Awakening every sense to having it say; look at me, feel me, understand me. Once you have committed to hearing the Spirit speak, the Spirit WILL speak. The clarity, the visions, the *knowing*, the confirmations, the *aha aha* moments and the value of instruction through this amazing opening is truly a top of the list must do when diving into connecting with your Divine purpose. Being open to healing information is a must, willing to surrender and move forward to another dimension is a must. Open your heart and receive through this amazing tool that the Spirit has given Corrine, it is a must in your spiritual tool belt.
Thank you for your gift Corinne.
Energy work is about constantly growing, and once someone has received a Radical Guide DNA Activation™, the person may feel foggy, uncomfortable or overwhelming. Regardless of how we feel, shadows will start to come up.
Shadow work is an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify in itself, or the entirety of the unconscious. The shadow is the unknown side. Carl Jung believed that the shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness may be positive or negative. However, since we reject, ignore or are ignorant to the least desirable aspects of our personalities, the shadow is largely negative. Our shadows can be our freaky side, the side that we have learned to hide; the side where we put ourselves down, this is where our fears hide as well.
Shadow work is not easy, and it can be uncomfortable. As an Integration Specialist, I can help support you along your shadow work process and guide and assist you. As you continue with shadow work, you can slowly learn how to integrate, accept and learn from the shadows.
This is a four-week process as we dive deep into the shadow work with a one-on-one weekly session.
Fill out the form below and Corinne will be in touch with you to discuss your Akashic Reiki session!